My very last post on my Blog for this year - 2011 - where did those 365 days go?
I best try and make it a good one hadn't I! Let's start it off with a laugh, I could do with one of those today!!!!!
Starting with Number two:-
Well how can I resist the wonderful fabrics coming onto the market? So no I didn't keep to this one, I bought some fabric, not a lot I am sure, but I did buy some. :-((((
Be a better Blogger----was I?
Well no I think this year I was a pretty poor Blogger, I just didn't seem to get to my page as often as I used to, no explanation available, sorry. :-((((
Answer people's emails quicker----did I?
Sadly the answer for this is also a big no-no, I saved emails and went back to them after several days sometimes to answer them, not good enough. :-((((
Don't waste so much time on Face book games----did I?
Yippee-kayay, I didn't waste any time on the Face Book games as I DELETED them all, which when you think about it actually gave me more time to do the above points!!!! Oops. So a bit of a half and half mark I think for this one. ;--[
Walk more----did I?
I did indeed walk more, not as much as I would like to have done, but it was more than I expected to do. ----:-)
Eat less----did I?
I did at meal times - hahaha - but then I ate biscuits and cake and chocolate in between meals, Honestly! How old am I! ----:-((((
Try to be tidier in sewing room----was I?
Hmm, well I tried really hard at this one, I was constantly tidying my sewing room and today it looks brilliant. I am having a smiley face for this one.----:-))
Which brings me to----
Finish at least ONE UFO each month----did I?
You betcha I did indeed, and to prove the pint and possibly drive you away screaming with boredom here they all are, all old UFOs finished in 2011, not necessarily in this order... :-)))))))))))))
backside of 18
Then I kind of branched out and decided to offer my Quilting for anyone who wished me to finish off their UFOs, I got three takers which was fun...
Pat's Bow ties Quilt...
Marians Dinosaurs Quilt...
Marians Space Quilt...
and sound the fanfare, tada
today I finished my last UFO for this year,
my Baby Dinosaurs Quilt, which is
number 21 and it is also....
another double sider - two for the price of one again...
Better picture of it tomorrow in the daylight.
Because I was bored the other night I decided to make some Firework Postcards for New Year for a few peeps, hope you like them, I love making these, they are time consuming because of all the beads but I think they are worth it...
and all together they make a pretty picture...
then guess what arrived today?
My prezzie from hubby for Christmas,
this book,
it is great he has seen one he would like already - we shall see.
So another year comes to its close very soon now. I hope you have all enjoyed reading and looking at the piks on my Blog, I will try harder next year to get back to how I used to do it, which was a lot more frequent. Many thanks to everyone who has decided to become a Follower on here, you are most welcome indeed and many thanks for the wonderful messages and comments you leave or send by email, it is always encouraging to know someone out there is with me. If you see something you don't like, do tell me and we can discuss it, I am up for criticism. I can only do my best or at least what I am capable of, I am only a housewife, probably just like you really.
I have met some wonderful people this year on the WWW, I have made some new friends too via the WWW. Mostly Quilters but then as that is what I do I guess I am likely to attract the same sort of people aren't I.
I have annoyed some folk, I know I have, but that's life. I assume they will get over it or just not come here anymore, always their choice. I will miss a few people who have already made that decision as I don't see them as often on here. People move on it is a fact of life. I am a real stick in the mud type person myself. Boring as hell.
I have been bossy to quite a lot of people but it is the way I get things done. Think about it, if you are one of those I have 'bossed about' this year, what have you achieved? Hmmm there you go then.
I have sorted a lot of stuff out on the PP Forum, setting swaps and fun things to do [I hope so anyway] and just know I have 'ticked' off a few peeps on there, again it is how I am, straight talking, no embroidery with this chick!! I don't think I have ever been down right rude to anyone, if I come across as having been, I will apologise to you, publicly, just let me know. I will probably continue to annoy people as I go through life, I am getting old and apparently crotchety in my old age!!!! Says who? Hubby of course, nothing new there then, hahaha.
Anyway enough, if you have managed to read all this you are a better man than me Gunga Din, as the saying goes.
I'm off all I have to say now is....
see you next year