I cannot believe how long it is since I blogged. Oh well, not to worry, as most of the time I am talking to myself it is not a big problem. Just in case there is anyone out there I will try to catch up.
Since my last post I have had two meetings of my group, the one in April, I forgot to take pictures, but luckily Suzanne emailed me the ones she took. Phew!
Miniature's by Betty...
Rebecca had been busy making these little Cats at school...
Sorry, I cannot remember who made these mug rugs...
or these...
nor this, oh dear...
This was mine...
Annette made this using the pattern I gave them last month, there was a note pinned to this saying
Mum if you like this it is yours when finished -
WOW, thank you Annette I love it...
I am so cross with myself, it has been too long ago for me to remember all these works...
I know this is the BACK of the previous quilt...
Place mats using the pattern from last month...
Michelle's fabulous finished Dear Jane Baby - although it is NOT a baby
this was a KING SIZE Quilt and very heavy...
The things that go on at my group!!!
Rebecca's posh nails by her Auntie Suzanne...
This was what I set them to make for this meeting - I look forward to seeing a lot of bags in May...
Michelle made a baby bag for her GD, cute isn't it...
I learned at this meeting that one of the ladies - Bet - was very ill and would not be coming anymore unless she felt able to attend for a short time. She had been diagnosed with MND. Such a shock I can tell you.
I had received a telephone call from one of the ladies in the group informing that Bet had died. To say I was totally gobsmacked was putting it mildly. A dreadful shock. I felt I had to do something special at the group in memory of Bet. I came up with
FIOFB Day. Bet was a lady who always finished what she started BEFORE starting another project. I was in awe of her for this, as I can never seem to do that. Hence the FIOFB Day. Finish It Off For Bet Day. I asked people to bring along something that needed finishing along with the project for the day which I had set them for this month. Well actually it was an ongoing 3 month project, a HST QUILT.
Suzanne doing FIOFB...
and Di...
Wendy doing FIOFB...
and Irene...
and Sue...
and Michelle...
The beginning of the HST Quilt sets, I asked them to take 16 of their squares and play at laying them out in as many different designs as they could think of - BEFORE I showed them the Quilt I had come up with, I do like to stretch their minds a tad, you never know, they may prefer wqhat they come up with to what I have chosen, good for them I say. I took along my Magic Mirros so they could see what one block 'could' look like in a set of four, reversed of course...
Joyce doing FIOFB...
Margaret doing FIOFB...
and Dee...
Barbara doing FIOFB...
starting the HST...
What a great lot of ladies they are, supporting my FIOFB day, AND playing with the HST's, so many different designs, I wonder which they will choose?
Rest in Peace Bet, bless your heart.
Made by Wendy, a Quilt made with HST's, she brought it for Showtime to coincide with the one we have started, great Quilt, it was HUGE and very very heavy - 400 HST's in this Quilt...
A snazzy bag by Sylvia...
and one by Suzanne...
Red, White and Blue Quilt by Annette...
Amazing Pears by Bridget from last months pattern issue...
Tessellating Quilt by Bridget...
I am sure there was another by Bridget, my camera gave up on it's battery at this point so I am missing some pictures, I must get from Suzanne...
Lots of items from Margaret for her Craft Fair Day...
Bags by me...
Although we were all sad at the news of Bet, we managed to have a very good day, plus it was very industrious too. I believe all the ladies went home thinking what they will make with their HST's. Here are mine, cut out ready to sew...
My Stall holder couldn't come today due to illness, I got a bit of flack from some of the ladies, they seem to think it is MY fabric to sell!! I wish....