Friday 17 June 2011


I've been busy
Oh so busy
I've been quilting and sewing like mad...

I've been stitching
Sometimes bitching!
But my group's gona be everso glad...


I've been busy
Oh so busy
I've been quilting and making some bags...

They are finished
For the raffle
And on Saturday someone will win one...


They'll be happy
Oh so happy
That I quilted and stitched away like mad...

And now I cannot think of something
To make this rhyme make sense at the end.

Apologies to West Side Story.....


Last Quilt Set meeting - Andy brought Di  along with Jenny,
what a beautiful couple they make,
shame about the one in the middle...

 With Rebecca...

Thank you Andy for permission to put these up.
You are still a handsome hunk.
Jenny you are just too tall, too slim, too beautiful,
I was just like you when I was your age!!!
In my dreams....
green with envy...


Maggi said...

Lovely photos Jan. Is that the Andy who is in the army? I don't think the West Side Story lyricists have anything to worry about yet!!

jan said...

Yes it is and no I know.