Not finished anything of late so just been taking pictures of this and that, as you do. The first picture is of my beloved Bernina, just to remind everyone that this is the machine I do all my sewing on, I don't possess a Long Arm, way too expensive for me. Anyway this machine does the job I feel.
On the PP Forum we are set a theme for a Journal Page each month -
September was Fabric Origami...ARGH, I hated this almost as much as the Mola,
but it is done now, here is what I did, finished pictures will be tomorrow, I forgot to take those [doh]...
the background...
One Pinwheel or is it a Friendship Star???
Made a few more in different sizes...
Then stacked them...
one on top of the other, in threes, finished pik tomorrow, sorry.
Remember the cupboard I was pinching?
Here it is all filled up, I got hubby to make me a 'half shelf' for the top so I could utilise
the space a bit better. Now starting at the bottom left, that is all UFOs right to the base of the shelf...
Oh dear!!!!!
Right hand side, trays of bits and bobs, things that are, ideas in progress as it were...
On the shelf, on the left are Quilts for sale, on the right, smaller bits for Sale...
I am going to put them all on my other Blog the JansMags one, once I have sorted the sizes out...
I hope you will go and look and see if you fancy anything!!!!! ;-)
Rebecca found out her mum's wedding dress was in my wardrobe. She asked to have a look at it,
then could she try it on, her mum said yes she could so.....
Bit big for her and a bit long for her too, but oh my....
back view, she wanted to keep it on, but spoil sport me said no, so back in it's bag it went
back in the wardrobe...
and there is Annette in it...
What has happened to my Rose?
The other half is right....
better late than never I guess...
going over now...
so many different shades...
I love them, I can't help it...
but NOT their scent...
He grew some Asters and they were gorgeous...
waiting to be planted...somewhere...
more Asters...
Queen Elizabeth Rose...
difficult holding it and taking the picture...
Rebecca's old scooter up for sale in our local shop...
and her bike...