I have no idea where I was when this was being erected in the garden,
best to keep out of the way methinks!!
Rebecca grabbed my camera and took the photos...

Guess who spotted the camera?

OK..this is the top of the inside, Hmmm...

This is madam playing silly wot sits with the camera,
good picture though...

Watching hubby tie the bottom in...

Hmm, opening in the wrong place, got to move it...

A walking Gazebo, by the left...

up a bit, down a bit, oops the pole fell out...

tying the ends in....again....

This was perfect.
We sat out for a while, I had a talcum powder by me so whenever I got the 'pong' of the dogs next door, I just flung it in the air and we got a nice waft of talcum powder.
Much better.
The next day it had to come down as it was strong winds.
Ho ho ho
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