I have been so unlucky with my post of late. A lady I was swapping cards with, asked me if I had received her card yet? Well luckily I had had a bumper mail day today, several cards dropped through the door, with varying dates on. I am not impressed with the postal service I am getting at the moment. My postie searched for mail for me, these cards were all he could find.
I am missing my Popular Patchwork Magazine, I subscribe to that and haven't received it yet, it is in the shops now too, so I am none to happy.

I ordered some fabric and bits and pieces from EBay at the beginning of the week and was informed they are on their way....still waiting!!
So you see, I am not happy at the moment. I cant get into any sewing as there always seems to be something cropping up. Today I pinned the first of my Soldier Quilts ready to be quilted. I am house sitting for Suzanne at the weekend so I guess that means no sewing done again. Hubby has suggested he go and do it instead of me, I just cant see him sorting the cats out though somehow!!!
I am missing my Popular Patchwork Magazine, I subscribe to that and haven't received it yet, it is in the shops now too, so I am none to happy.
My book for the Quilt I wish to make STILL hasn't arrived, I may give up on that group, just

make the quilt myself. My friend Pat has the book and said I can loan hers if I get stuck. Thanks Pat.
I ordered some fabric and bits and pieces from EBay at the beginning of the week and was informed they are on their way....still waiting!!
So you see, I am not happy at the moment. I cant get into any sewing as there always seems to be something cropping up. Today I pinned the first of my Soldier Quilts ready to be quilted. I am house sitting for Suzanne at the weekend so I guess that means no sewing done again. Hubby has suggested he go and do it instead of me, I just cant see him sorting the cats out though somehow!!!
Hi Jan
I am not getting much mail & some days none also it coming in the afternoons i did hear something about a strike not sure when or if it parts of the country only.
I hate it when i am waiting on stuff, what fabric have you got & is it from here in the UK
Hugs Janice
We dont get mail till after lunch here and some days it is almost teatime...We often have "missing" mail then it seems to come in a big rush all together. I heard of a strike in London last week so suppose it depends where your mail is coming from. DH once won tickets to a concert but didn't get them till after the event due to a strike..:(
Looked at that book Jan at sandown and am very tempted to join in myself, it looks so good. But have restrained myself, especially with school holidays coming soon! :)
Oh Jan,
I can relate....
Patience is a virtue so I am told, but it really doesn't help eh??!!
Hope things sort themselves out soon..
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