Thursday 4 February 2010


Well the sewing came to a very sharp STOP this evening. I managed to put the machine needle through my finger.
The bathroom basin changed to red, but luckily the quilt I was working on didn't!
No more sewing from then, the throbbing was almost unbearable, but I rang my friend Sheila and we had a good natter. Took my mind off it. The finger is black and blue now...what fun!

Earlier in the day I managed to get my newsletter done for my group and make the tester for what they will be making on the day.....and no, I never tell before the day....mean aren't I?
I also sorted out some swap stuff, and a pile of stuff for the post, and I mean a pile!!!!


I also took some photo's of my neighbours back garden - the reason being this. Every night they clang and bang against our adjoining wall in the garden and I had to find out what it was that was causing such a racket, I didn't want them to have built more dog runs right up to our sunroom. So I held the camera over the fence and - click click click - well, there isn't a dog run, but.....yuk....the stuff to make one is there, and it must be this the dogs bash against every night, oh joy!


On a much happier note, I have just seen on Myfanwy's Blog her new DVD for the Embellisher has been done and will be out soon........Yippeee


Cal said...

Ouch indeed! I had heard of someone doing this before, but I still cannot imagine it! Must be rather painful...

Pat said...

Oh, I'm sorry you had that needle go through your finger. I have heard of others doing this and saying how it hurts a LOT!

Unknown said...

wow, I hope your ok, so sorry....I've gotten my fingers caught up in the screw that you tighten to change the needle before. but it's nothing compared to what you did. I hope it heals quickly.

Rosa-Munda said...

That's awful Jan, I just can't imagine the pain. Make sure you get some antibiotics from the doctor. Ros x

Maggi said...

I sit here with face screwed up and hands waving - that is awful. And you can take that to mean the finger or the neighbours! I agree with Ros by the way - you should get some antibiotics as there can be strange things on your needle.

Anonymous said...

I caught my finnger last summer - not as badly as you though, but it was still very painful!
can't wait for the new dvd- the first is brilliant!
Take care,