Wednesday 28 May 2008


Well, actually it was yesterday but it took so long to load these pictures the time flipped over to Wednesday!!!

I took a photo of each Quilt that is on this chair. The chair is in the corner of my bedroom, as my Quilts are finished they stack one on top of the other. Occasionally I get them all off and refold them and just look and remember. Another day I will post all the pictures here so you can see all of them. I couldn't believe how many there were. Good grief. These are the finished ones. The unfinished will have to wait a while for their piks to be taken.
Some of my Ted's sit on them, guarding them for me.


Noel said...

Now that's some stack of bears look comfortable sitting on top too!
They are the keeper of the quilts...hehehe!
Can't wait to see the actual pic of them all...the every bottom one looks like a christmas it or does it just look that why folded up?
Glad your back from HS!

jan said...

Nearly finished redoing the pictures. Bear with me a while longer. Oh look, BEAR with me!!! hee hee hee...
The bttom one?? Mmm cant remember that is the back of whatever it is.