Sunday 1 March 2009


Remember the trees that are coming down in our back garden?

Well, look at how we are getting on...
so much light....

and just look what was underneath them...

Hoping that by middle of next week, this will be a big blank canvas.

Well, would you look at that....1st MARCH already, please don't let this year zip by like last year.


Rosa-Munda said...

Hi Jan, What a difference, and those lovely snowdrops too! Now I wonder what you're planning next? Ros

jan said...

Hi Ros,
a bit later on there should be masses of bluebells there too. Oh I have plans I tell you for that area. We are going to make a little shorter, more grass for Rebecca for a start, then Ceanothus right across, interplaneted with Clematis, and I have bought two climbing roses to go on the tree trunks and roam. I am searching for some nice looking tubs to put in front of this lot when planted so I will be able to change the theme throughout the year. Well, thats the plan!!!!!!
we shall see what happens. :-)