I have been a bit busy as I haven't been able to get out and about as I normally do,
so what have I been doing? Sewing, Quilting etc etc as you do.
Here is my second Soldier Quilt finished, all bar the label on the back,
this one was made with left over blocks, I like the way it has turned out...

This is the back of it...
so what have I been doing? Sewing, Quilting etc etc as you do.
Here is my second Soldier Quilt finished, all bar the label on the back,
this one was made with left over blocks, I like the way it has turned out...

This is the back of it...

and this is a close up of the back so you can see I just machine tied it...

Before I go on to the next pictures, someone, somewhere, I cannot remember where,
said we shouldn't use Mauve or Pink for the Soldier Quilts...
Most of mine will have both these colours in as they are what I have a lot of....
Do I not use it then?
Sorry folks, there are going to be Mauve, Lilac, Pink, whatever I wish to use in them.
I have seen lads with pink shirts on, so what is the problem????
These are the latest blocks I have made for the
I am afraid they are not in order,
but I'm sure you don't mind, do you!
I am thoroughly enjoying making these odd blocks, as I only have to make one of each.
I am totally relaxed about them too,
just pulling any scrap out and if its big enough for the block,
it gets used.
I am totally relaxed about them too,
just pulling any scrap out and if its big enough for the block,
it gets used.
Welcome back Tracey, and a big welcome to
Heather Ann
Ann Flowers
I hope you all will come again, thank you for visiting.
Welcome back Tracey, and a big welcome to
Heather Ann
Ann Flowers
I hope you all will come again, thank you for visiting.
Hi Jan
I agree about colour anyway who sadly says it only men that are injury there could be women soliders, well done on doing this you are doing a great job.
Love the blocks they are great
Hugs Janice
Hi Jan,
You have been busy! I love your cheery soldier quilt - that will brighten someone's day that's for sure. Love your Block Party blocks - think I might have a go at a few more (love the pink one especially). Ros
Women get hurt too! So carry on, Jan! I like this one a lot! Fiona.
Great quilts Jan,
Now to the pink question, At moment there is a mad craze for pink sunglass for the boys to wear at Callums school even he has a pair and they are very bright pink too, my dad whore pale pink shirts, nothing wrong with pink, Saying this im not a big fan on wearing pink myself im more of a blue girl,
And Savannah well her room is totally pink everywhere.
Take care
LOve your blocks Jan. You're certainly on a roll.
As for the pink, as far as I'm concerned, anything goes and as we've said before there will be girls/women injured as well. It's not the colour anyway, it's the comfort the quilts will bring.
Hi Fiona,
this was the leftovers, seemed a shame to waste them, I liked what happened.
I like all of them!!!! Speedy bird!!!
Jan, your blocks are super...and your work is amazing...you make it look so easy....ahahaha...nothing I can do....that's for sure....I don't have the patience for making everthing line up properly...I'm more a freeform, abstract type of gal....LOL!
I liked how you used the spiderweb blocks in this one. As far as pink, there are lots of girls these days in the service.
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