Oh much much better weather wise for me today folks...
At this time........................... it was this temperature

the sky went from this...................................to this
At this time........................... it was this temperature

the sky went from this...................................to this
It thundered and chucked down with rain, I was on the phone to my friend Di and it made me jump out of my skin, I took the phone into the sun room for her to hear how loud the rain was, she nipped out and got her washing in as it was on its way to her..quite handy having your own weather person in town!!! I tried to be brave - I do not like storms - I went into my sewing room -BOOM THUNDER- and put the binding on my second Soldier Quilt. Once I had it stitched on, I flipped it over to catch it down and realised, ho hum, I had for the first time in my quilting life, put it on in the wrong place! Grrrr! So I sat and unpicked it and then this afternoon whilst it was on/off raining, I restitched it on again, in the right place this time, so that is now done and dusted ready for its label. Now I do something for myself before the next Soldier Quilt.
I made a couple of the Friday Block Party Blocks this evening, they need pressing before I show you, they look a little sad just now.
I also put a few finishing touches to Reb's outfit for her school Victorian day outfit. I used an old skirt - newish really but I don't wear it anymore - for the skirt obviously!! One of Annette's old white Hotel uniform blouses, a plain apron I had which I sewed a frill round and put two cutesy pockets on. Made a Mob cap out of some old cream/white? sheeting, added the lace and voila = one Victorian Outfit which hasn't cost a penny. As she will only wear it for the one day we didn't want the expense of buying or hiring, when I knew I would be able to make something. She is very pleased with it anyway, they popped round after school for a fitting, I have to take the skirt up 2", it will be down to her feet still, so that's OK. She looked really nice in it, I will get a photo next time she tries it on. Annette was absolutely drenched, she got caught in the rain and it dripped off the back of her jacket all down her legs....yukky....absolutely drenched she was.
I made a couple of the Friday Block Party Blocks this evening, they need pressing before I show you, they look a little sad just now.
I also put a few finishing touches to Reb's outfit for her school Victorian day outfit. I used an old skirt - newish really but I don't wear it anymore - for the skirt obviously!! One of Annette's old white Hotel uniform blouses, a plain apron I had which I sewed a frill round and put two cutesy pockets on. Made a Mob cap out of some old cream/white? sheeting, added the lace and voila = one Victorian Outfit which hasn't cost a penny. As she will only wear it for the one day we didn't want the expense of buying or hiring, when I knew I would be able to make something. She is very pleased with it anyway, they popped round after school for a fitting, I have to take the skirt up 2", it will be down to her feet still, so that's OK. She looked really nice in it, I will get a photo next time she tries it on. Annette was absolutely drenched, she got caught in the rain and it dripped off the back of her jacket all down her legs....yukky....absolutely drenched she was.
Here are the pictures I should have put on the other evening, these are the two sun printing pictures I did. First effort, using the proper paints this time. I am really pleased with these, I shall use one of them for the journal page, the other I shall keep for future use on something.
Annette and Reb brought me up loads of wonderful leaves and things for future sun painting, the leaves are in the pages of the old telephone book as I type, pressing nice and flat and possibly drying a little too. Other stuff they brought were, bendy rollers, lots of differnt pasta shapes and some other bits that I know not what they are....?....sorry.

Jan you are like me... I hate thunder storms... I usually scurry around and unplug my sewing machines, and NEVER talk on the phone during a storm...Too scared tghe big bad lightening will come through the wires and get me!!!!
I bet the rain was so welcome. It would surely cool things off...
the sun prints came out just beautiful. Such yummy colors...
Nice to hear you are keeping busy.. Is there any other way??..VBG
Take care
Hi Jan,
Rebecca is one lucky young lady to have such a beautiful outfit! I love your sunpainting. Ros
Love your sun paintings Jan :o) Still not done anything with mine!
Glad Reb's oufit has turned out ok - I knew NN and you could do something good between you! Pic please?
Like the sunprinting too - am bedbating buying some paint myself.:) )
Hey Fiona,
do you want me to let you know where I got mine from.
Cheers Ros.
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