Introducing some of 'The Gang' I have a few around the house, I love them you see, I think they are much better than collecting precious china and the like, these you can give a cuddle too, and you should see children's faces when they come in and see them all. Magical! AND they are allowed to touch. The round plate you see was made especially for me by my friend Dorothy, isn't it fabulous, she fired it and painted it and glazed it [!] and signed it on the back just for me. The other plate, yes it is a plate, in the shape of a Ted, was bought for me by my Suzanne. I live in fear of this falling off the wall. The big picture, hubby bought me. He does grumble about all the bears, says, not ANOTHER one, but then goes and does this!! Go figure my friend KR would say.

This is the Quilt that hangs above my bed. I made it yonks ago.

Here is the Ted I made to match the Quilt that hangs above my bed!

These are the teds that sit on the bed underneath the Quilt, you can just see it.

These are the teds on one wall of the bedroom, just a few you know.

This little girl is ready to get in the bed it looks like, she doesn't though. None do.

Oh, this is 'Debbie' she is always up the corner. My Annette was getting rid of her so I just had to have her, isn't she gorgeous. Bless her though, she will sulk!

Mind you. She is lovely and quiet!!